Monday, December 28, 2009

Just thought some of you might find this interesting--especially when you check the documentation.

Willis Manson West, a professor of History at the University of Minnesota askes in his chapter "America Faces New Tasks," "are we proud of our past record as a nation?" He goes on, "We are responsible for keeping a record, one of which our children need not be ashamed." Then he questions again, "are our Democrat and Republican leaders making this massive health care bill into something our children will live to be ashamed of? Will the wars we get ourselves into going to come back to haunt our children and grandchildren?" Then responding to his own questions he claims, "If each of us managed our financial and personal lives the way Congress is managing out nation, we would be bankrupt and belong to our creditors just as they are now" (525).

Work Cited

West, Ruth and Willis Manson West. The Story of Our Country. "America Faces New Tasks." New York: Allyn and Bacon, 1935.

Curious--how many times must we allow the same mistakes before the catastrophe is greater than we can survive?


  1. There is so much that I would like to say to that, but unsure of the words.
    But I do know that Florence will no longer be able to have me(or any other skilled provider) in her house to give her the much needed insulin that her own pancreas will not deliver. She will have to leave her home--the one she is most capable of living in--and enter not just a assisted living facility but a nursing home. There she will most likely die--from a fall, lack of appropriate medication, or just plain heartbreak. At home she lives a very high quality of life, the one that she and her husband worked for their entire lives. They worked in the American workforce and contributed much to our society.
    I also know that Ted who right now lives in an assisted living facility will have to move into a nursing home just because he has diabetes and needs a shot of insulin 4 times a day. He is unable to deliver this insulin to himself because his hands have betrayed him and tremor--making it impossible for him to deliver a shot without breaking the needle off inside his skin. I want to know--who else is betraying him? I answer the system that has allowed this new healthcare reform bill to make it passed the senate and congress. Ted is healthy except for his diabetes--that is well controlled under appropriate care and those pesky hand tremors. He does not belong in a nursing home. But he won't go there instantly. No he will try to manage on his own. How many times to the ER to remove the broken needle will his son allow him to go before he sends him off to live like an invalid? (Not to mention, the medicaid will pay more for his--and for that matter Florences's trips to the ER.)
    My list can go on and on. Betty, Philo, Lester.....
    By the way, do you know who pays for nursing homes? We do, taxpayers.
    I for one am not proud of what the people that I put into office are doing to these hard working older Americans!!!!!
    How is that for a triade.
