The camel has played such an important role in Arab culture there are how many words for it in the Arab language?
a) 95
b) 200
c) 3
d) 160
You can easily identify a dromedary camel if you remember that their single hump forms the letter "D" on its side. Can you remember what the two hump camel is called?
a) Ramonian
b) Collian
c) Bactrian
d) Cameleon
The camel's eye is protected from sand by two rows of extra long eyelashes, one on the upper eyelid, and one on the lower eyelid. In addition to this, each eye also has a very thin third eyelid that moves in which direction?
a) side to side
b) up and down
c) diagonally
d) it doesn't move
Although camels will normally select the freshest vegetation available, when food is scarce they will eat anything--salty plants, dried plants, bones, fish, meat, leather and even on occasion, their owner's tent. What is the scientific term for an animal that will eat anything?
a) Teenager
b) Hungry
c) Omnivore
d) Eatae-anitae
In the wintertime, camels can gather enough moisture from the plants they eat to go as much as 50 days without water. In the summertime, how many days can a camel go without water?
a) 5 days
b) 10 days
c) 15 days
d) 20 days
Camels are capable of losing safely how much of their body's water weight?
a) 10%
b) 25%
c) 30 %
d) 50 %
The term hydrophilicity, which describes the hemoglobins in a camel's red blood cells, means what?
a) Repels water
b) Attracts water
c) Will drink anything
d) Replaces water
Camels are capable of drinking how many gallons of water in 10 minutes?
a) 15 gallons
b) 30 gallons
c) 50 gallons
d) 100 gallons
A camel keeps as cool as it can by resting when the weather is extrememly hot. It will lay down in a shady place, if it can find one. What will a camel do it it cannot find a shady place to rest on a hot day?
a) Face the sun to minimize how much of its body is exposed to the rays.
b) Stick it s head in the sand.
c) Dig a hole.
d) Move around until it finds shade.
A camel can walk efficiently on sand because:
a) The camel's legs are very long and strong.
b) The camel's feet web out to give it a larger stepping surface.
c) The sand in Arab countries is not soft but has a crusted surface making it easy to walk on.
I'm the one hanging on for dear life on the butt of this dromedary. Did you know that the hump actually stores fat not water? This most ugly (I guess not to other camels) of all creation is actually quite interesting.
The ride was short (about 50 feet), and I smelled like camel for the rest of the day, but it is moments like these that I could never experience if I had chosen a different profession.
We drew quite a crowd and surprisingly, the two young men who used the camels for their class presentation know a quite a bit about these strange creatures as well.
Be careful . . . they spit.